Three light-weighted square blocks combined to a long and elegant earring. If your lady Sim has a long neck then this would be nice on her.
These earrings are available for teens, young adults, adults, and elders and come in 9 variations.
Number of Polys: 600 to 325 (highest to lowest detail)
This mesh and its recolors do not replace any of the original items. They have their own thumbnail and swatches in the catalog.
Creator's Note: Do NOT include this file to Sims you are sharing. Feel free to recolor and share your creations wherever you wish - without including the mesh. Please provide proper credit and a link back to About Sims for the mesh file. Thank you.
Custom Content Installation Instructions
Sims - Sims 2 - Sims 3 - Sims 4 - SLS

Creator: LaLunaRossa | Requirements: The Sims 4
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