Forged in the eternal fires of the Llamahorn, the steel used in this toilet is of unrivaled purity. So much so that it retains absolutely no heat. With this toilet, you'll never experience the joy (or terror) of knowing it was recently used by someone else.
This object comes in 10 color variations.
Cost: §485
Prerequisites: Unlock by reaching level 3 of Detective Career
These recolors do not replace any of the original items. They share the same thumbnail with the original but have their own swatches in the catalog. You can use the Design Tool to redecorate without deleting and re-buying any of the objects.
Creator's Note: Feel free to use when building Lots and share wherever you wish, but please provide proper credit and a link back to About Sims.
Custom Content Installation Instructions

Creator: LaLunaRossa | Requirements: The Sims 4
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